Low Temperature Rise SolaHD Low Temperature Rise transformers feature a 220°C insulation system and temperature rise of only 80°C or 115°C under full nameplate load. Reduction in temperature rise increases reliability.
The 35°C thermal reserve on 115°C rise units and 70°C reserve on 80°C rise units definitely mean higher reliability. The extra benefit is being able to operate either of these transformers as a 150°C rise unit and have a short term overload capacity of 15-30% without compromising normal life expectancy (See Figure 2).
Low temperature rise transformers are designed for any critical application requiring extra overload capability and cooler operating temperatures. All are available with either a 115°C or 80°C thermal rise and a Class 220°C insulation system.
Energy Efficient Compliant to DOE 2016 1
Extra thermal reserve
Meets transit test requirements for ISTA (International Safe Transit Association) – Test Procedure 1E for packaged-product
Quiet operation with sound levels 3-6 dB below the NEMA ST-20 requirements