SOLATRON Plus Series Three Phase Power Conditioners
SolaHD™ SOLATRON Plus Three Phase Power Conditioners by Emerson, protect equipment from chronic over and under voltage, switching transients, lightning and induced surges using a carefully designed surge suppression circuit linked to a shielded isolation transformer. These units regulate output voltage to ±3 percent, even when input voltage varies from +10% to –25%. Response time to any line variation is 1.5 cycles regardless of power factor.
Automatic Packaging Machinery
Large Machine Tool Equipment
UPS Bypass Circuits
Retail Store
Process Equipment
Rugged, industrial construction
High overload capability
High MTBF - No fans used
No power factor restriction on loads
Tight regulation for protection against sag (-25%) and swell (+10%) conditions
No load current interruption for auto-bypass mode
Status indicating lights
Shielded, copper wound isolation transformer
Surge protection to ANSI/IEEE and IEC Standards
Optional power quality metering/monitoring available
High efficiency (96%) microprocessor controlled on-load tap changer
Automatic over and under voltage regulation. Auto restart upon power loss and return